Karen L. List, Ph.D.
Dr. Karen L. List is the retired Superintendent of the West Hartford Public Schools, Connecticut. She is the founding Project Director for the UConn Neag School of Educational Leadership PK3 Leadership Program and leads the program in collaboration with an outstanding team of national expert advisors and local practitioners. In addition, she is an executive coach for new superintendents and principals and is a CT Association of Public School Superintendents (CAPSS) Associate, working on assignment to promote effective practices in using ARPA/ESSER funds. Dr. List is a member of CT 359 and an executive board member for The Bridge Family Center. She resides in Bethel, CT close to her young grandchildren Avery and Gemma.
Maureen Lantner, Ph.D.
Dr. Maureen Lantner brings 30 years of serving a diverse set of learning communities to the PK3 Leadership Program and serves as the instructor for the Leading for Equity, Excellence, and Early Success Module. She serves West Hartford Public Schools in a variety of leadership capacities. In addition to serving as an elementary teacher, curriculum specialist, and principal, Maureen created West Hartford’s Leadership Academy. Maureen facilitated Administrator Evaluation, including writing the Administrator Evaluation Plan in alignment with the CT Educator Guidelines revision. Maureen’s experiences as a learner, classroom teacher, curriculum specialist, and building and district-wide administrator have inspired her vision for building leadership capacity, supporting others through embracing challenges, and the reciprocal nature of leading and learning.
Kerry Jones
Maureen Lantner
Noam Sturm
Elizabeth Aschenbrenner
Project Coordinator, Executive Function and Purposeful Play, P-Grade 3 Leadership Team, Connecticut
Claire E. Cameron, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Learning & Instruction, University at Buffalo, State University of New York
Craig A. Cooke, Ph.D.
Superintendent of Schools, Madison, Connecticut
Kristie Kauerz, Ed.D.
Director of the National P-3 Center, Associate Clinical Professor at University of Colorado – Denver, and Affiliate Professor at University of Washington’s College of Education
Sharon Ritchie, Ed. D.
Senior Scientist and Principal investigator First School initiative, Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Lisa Roy, Ed.D.
Executive Director of the Colorado Department of Early Childhood
Wendy Simmons, Ph.D.
State Services Liaison with the Build Initiative
Shauna Tominey, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Practice & Parenting Education Specialist, Oregon State University
Steve Tozer, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus, Department of Educational Policy Studies, University of Illinois - Chicago
Joseph F. Yukish, Ph.D.
Emeritus Professor, College of Education, Clemson University, South Carolina; Early Literacy Consultant specializing in K-2 reading
Andrea Brinnel, Ed.D., teaching and advising at UConn Health's Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, University of Hartford's School of Education, and Bay Path University.
Casey Cobb, Ph.D., Neag Endowed Professor of Educational Policy, Neag School of Education, UConn
Harriet Feldlaufer, Division Director, Connecticut Office of Early Childhood
Richard Gonzales, Ph.D., Director of Educational Leadership Preparation Programs, Neag School of Education, UConn